Queer links
Samtökin ‛78. www.samtokin78.is
-Office skrifstofa@samtokin78.is
-Education. fraedsla@samtokin78.is
North Iceland. www.simnet.is/nn
Youth group. www.myspace.com/unglidar78.is
FAS, Parents and Relatives of Lesbians and Gays. www.samtokinfas.is
MSC Iceland, social group for gay men. www.msc.is
KMK, social group for queer women. www.kmk.is
Q, association of queer students. www.gay.mis.is
Reykjavík Gay Pride. www.gaypride.is
Styrmir, queer men playing football. www.ststyrmir.is
Gayice.is, information for tourists in English, www.gayice.is
Trans-Ísland, http://trans-is-frettabref.googlegroups.com/web, transiceland@gmail.com
The International Lesbian and Gay Association, www.ilga.org
Gay health, www.gayhealth.com
Other links
The Intercultural Centre. www.ahus.is
First steps in Iceland. www.island.is
Primary health care. www.heilsugaeslan.is
Icelandic Human Rights Centre. www.humanrights.is