Dagana 4. – 7. september n.k. verður haldin norræn sexólógíuráðstefna á Grand Hótel á vegum Kynfræðifélags Íslands. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er dagskrá hennar eins og hér segir:
Dagana 4. – 7. september n.k. verður haldin norræn sexólógíuráðstefna á Grand Hótel á vegum Kynfræðifélags Íslands. Ráðstefnugestum býðst að kaupa dagpassa á einstaka daga. Dagpassi (daggjald) er 10 þús íslenskar á heilan dag og er hádegismatur innifalin. Heilir dagar eru föstudagur 5. sept. og laugardagur 6. sept. Hálft daggjald er 5 þús. og hægt að kaupa slíkan sunnudaginn 7. sept. Ef fólk vill koma á vinnusmiðju Sólveigar kostar það 7.800 (fimmtudagur 4.
sept. frá kl. 13-16) og ef fólk langar í Bláa lóns ferðina þarf að skrá sig sérstaklega í hana svo og hátíðarkvöldverðinn á laugardagskvöldið. Til að skrá sig verður fólk að senda tölvupóst til nacs2008@iii.is og tilgreina hvaða dag það ætlar að koma og þá mun ráðstefnuskrifstofan, sem einnig veitir aðrar upplýsingar, útbúa reikning. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er dagskrá hennar eins og hér segir:
Thursday, sept.4th
9:00-12:00 Registration.
10:00-12:00 NACSES meeting (attended by NACSES group members).
13:00-16:00 Pre-conference workshop: Ethics in professional sexology practice.
Dr. Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir.
17:00-18:30 NACSAC meeting (attended by NACSAC group members).
18:00-19:30 Welcome reception. Grand Hotel, Reykjavík. Welcome speech:
Matthías Halldórsson, Deputy Medical Director of Health in, Directorate of Health in Iceland.
Friday, sept.5th
9:00-12:00 Arrival, registration.
8:00-10:00 WAS 2009 scientific meeting (attended by WAS organizers).
10:15-12:00 NACS board meeting (attended by national presidents).
12:00-13:00 Lunch.
13:00-13:10 Jóna Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Chair of the Icelandic Sexology Association,
Iceland. Opening of the conference.
13:10-14.00 Ásgeir Helgason, Iceland/Sweden: Opening lecture
„Waning orgasm pleasure after radical treatment for localized prostate cancer and impacts on quality of life – Data from a population based study“
14:00-16:00 Sessions
14:00-14:30 Sóley S. Bender, Iceland & Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland
“From Policy Making to an Action Plan of Youth Sexual Health”
14:30-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-15:15 Kaj Haldre et al, Estonia
“Teenage girls’ sexual health in Estonia”
15:15-15:45 Sigurlaug Hauksdóttir, Iceland
“Sex isn´t a joke – sex-education that mothers give to their youth”
cont. Friday, sept.5th
14:00-16:00 Parallel sessions
14:00-14:30 Marianne Klinke et al, Iceland
“Sexuality post stroke: Findings of a systematic review of the literature
14:30-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-15:15 Ann Cristine Andersen Arnten, Sweden
“The impact of work-related stress and other factors on the sexual
relation quality of the couple.”
15:15-15:45 Kadri Soo and Agnes Alvela, Estonia
“Sexual violence in prison and detection of violent incidents in Estonia.”
15:45-16:15 Coffee break.
16:15- 17.15 National meetings.
18:00-21:30 Blue Lagoon tour with light dinner.
Saturday, sept.6th
9:00-9:45 Osmo Kontula, Finland
“Sex research tradition in Finland 1971 – 2007”.
9:45-10:05 Coffee break.
10:05-11:05 Sessions.
10:05-10:35 Lars-Gösta Dahlöf, Sweden.
“Thirty years of sexual health education and training for the clinician –
any change to the better? A Swedish perspective.”
10:35-11:05 Sven-Axel Månsson and Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson, Sweden
“The relationship between theory, practice and research.”
11:05-11:15 Short break.
11:15-12:00 Sessions.
11:15-11:40 Katri Ryttyläinen et al, Finland
“Building new professional sexual health promotion and capacity in Finland.”
11:40-12:00 Maija Ritamo, Finland
“Sexual counsellors in focus.”
cont.Saturday, sept.6th
Parallel sessions
10:05-10:35 Elsa Almås, Norway
“Research on sexological treatment.”
10:34-11:05 Katri Kyttyläinen, Finland.
„Needs for competence in sexual health promotion in Finland.”
12:00-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:00 Sessions.
13:15-13:40 Jóna I. Jónsdóttir and Sóley Bender, Iceland
“Developing a master program in sexology in Iceland.”
13:40-14:00 Löfgren-Mårtenson, L, and Månsson, S-A, Sweden
“The master student in sexology – a pilot study at Malmö University.”
13:15-14:00 Parallel sessions
13:15-13:40 Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland
“Parent-Child Sex Communication: Findings from Iceland and
13:40-14:00 Guðbjörg E. Hermannsdóttir, Iceland.
„Sexual and reproductive health of men between 18 and 24 in Iceland.”
14:00-14:10 Short break.
14:10-15:10 Sessions.
14:10-14:40 Tommi Paalanen, Finland
“Designing ethical basis for modern sexology”.
14:40-15:10 Birgitte Schantz Laursen et al, Denmark,
„Sexuality: a vulnerable dimension in life – the influence of chronic non
malignant pain on women’s sexuality.”
Parallel sessions
14:10-14:40 Jörgen Buttenschön, Danmark
“The sexual instructor- training course in Denmark and Norway”.
14:40-15:10 María Jónsdóttir, Iceland.
„Meeting the needs.”
cont.Saturday, sept.6th
15:10-15:30 Coffee break.
15:10-15:30 Poster session: Ester Väljaots, Estonia
„Creative way of taking the anamnesis; healing process“.
15:30-15:35 Tone Maria Hansen and Mikael Bjerkeli:
World Assoc.for transgender health (WAPH) symposium, Oslo, 2009.
15:35-16:25 Sessions
15:35-16:00 Elsa Almås, Norway
„Motives for sexual activity. Changes in the Norwegian population
over three decades.”
16:00-16:25 Esben Esther P. Benestad et al, Norway
”The importance of different activities in order to be satisfied with
daily living.”
15:35-16:25 Parallel sessions
15:35-16:00 Sóley S. Bender, Iceland & Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland
„Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Youth: A Global
16:00-16:25 Kjartan Ólafsson, Iceland:
„The Positive Side of Making Love.”
16:25-16:35 Short break.
16:35-18:30 NACS annual meeting.
20:00 Banquet at Hótel Borg, the Golden Room.
Toast master: Óttar Guðmundsson, psychiatrist.
Sunday, sept.7th
9:30-9:50 Prize award winning short film “Wrestlers” (“Bræðrarbylta, 20. min., 2007) A love story about two gay wrestlers living in rural Iceland who must keep their relationship a secret from the inner world of Iceland’s national and very macho sport. Writer and film director: Grímur Hákonarson.
9:50-10:15 Coffee break.
cont. Sunday, sept.7th
10:15-11:30 Sessions.
10:15-10:45 Kolbrún Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland.
10:45:11:15 Óttar Guðmundsson, Iceland.
“Sex and sexuality in the Icelandic Sagas and Nordic mythology.”
11:15-11:30 Short break.
11:30-11:55 Presentation – WAS 2009 in Gothenburg.
11:55-12:00 Final remarks –closing of conference.