Birtist fyrst 31. október 2005
Honest, intelligent, nice-looking boy, 26 years old, 177cm., 74 kg. with university education, good health and body. Enjoys literature, music, nature, art, travels, sport. Seeks man for meetings, friendship and good relationship for long time. Please write to: Valentyn., P.O. Box 122., Kiev 03058., Ukraine.
Birtist fyrst 2. september 2005
Attractive, single, professional male, 38, currently living in Missouri, hoping to visit Iceland in the future. Would like to meet similar guys as penpals or potential friends. Yes, I have a photo if you insist. Please feel free to ask other questions that you might have. My e-mail address is: hyakinthos@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 2. september 2005
Cute, honest, 26 yrs, slim, sexy, romantic, versatile, genuine and submissive guy with attractive solid chocolate body seeks a man for long term relationship. Any age/race.
Write to:
Kwame Eric
Suntani B/A
e-mail: eric_divine2005@yahoo.com
Birtist fyrst 30. ágúst 2005
My name is James Payne and I´m seeking permanent, full-time employment in Reykjavík beginning in late December or early January. I´m currently a full-time undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University and I´m scheduled to complete a Bachelor´s of Science in Psychology in December. Thereafter, I´d like to join my boyfriend in Reykjavík. In addition to my studies, I hold a part-time position as a laboratory technician assessing the short term cognitive benefits of ADHD drugs following traumatic brain injuries in rats.
Though I will have a degree and currently work in a lab, I am open to stable full-time work in any field. I do not speak Icelandic yet, but will begin classes as soon as I arrive. I will send a CV/résumé and references upon request. Does anyone need a full-time employee or know of anyone I may contact who might and would be willing to sponsor an American for a work visa?
Please contact:
James Payne
Birtist fyrst 11. ágúst 2005
Hello guys!
My name is Marc. I´m a 16-year-old Danish gay guy and I´d very much like to get in contact with other Icelandic gay guys at about my own age. I´m looking for pen-friends for e-mails or msn-Messenger and we could talk about everything! I´ve been to Iceland once and I really lost my heart there, I´m totally fascinated of the country and its people and I´ll surely get up there many times in the future! You can write me in Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian or French – ég tala bara litið íslensku. Please write an e-mail to: marcvolhardt@mail.dk
Birtist fyrst 14. júní 2005
I am a 21 year old Spanish guy who has just moved to Reykjavík. I´m looking for a room for rent in the Reykjavík area untill september (reasonable price). Please write to comelo_ya@hotmail.com and leave your phonenumber and I will contact you.
Thank you,
Birtist fyrst 31. maí 2005
Hello! I am Daniel, a 29 old german man who lives in Norway. I am looking for an Icelandic penfriend. You can write in English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or German, but I have already begun to learn Icelandic which is a fascinating language. I would like to know more about the icelandic life and culture. I have been in Iceland once and I am going to travel there again. Sure, I will! If you are interested please send me an e-mail: daniep@online.no
Birtist fyrst 30. maí 2005
Dear friends,
I heard about your organisation from the local Iceland Consulate General in Winnipeg and though I should write to you. I am a 40+ year old Canadian gay male and I would love to get a penfriend in Iceland. As you may be aware, there are many, many people in my province of Manitoba who are of Icelandic origin. Although I myself am not of Icelandic descent, I am fascinated by what I have seen here of cultural displays of you country.
I am very interested in how our gay/lesbian brothers and sisters live in other parts of the world. My interests are travel, languages, cooking, medicine, good films and books as well as cycling and swimming. I am also an activist in the gay community as well as an activist in human right groups such as Amnesty International.
If you are interested please write to:
Mark Feuer
PO Box 68046 RPO Osborne
Winnipeg, MB R3L 2V9
With kind regards,
Mark Feuer
Birtist fyrst 27. maí 2005
43 years old Brazilian gay man (mediteranean look) seeks for Icelandic men aged 30-40 for friendship/relationship. For further information please write to:
Box 3670
20001-970 Rio
Birtist fyrst 26. maí 2005
Honest, intelligent, nice-looking boy, 23 years old, 175 cm, 70 kg in good health. Enjoys nature, sport, reading. Seeks Icelandic friends for traveling, meeting, friendship/relationship. Please write to:
P.O Box 122
Kiev 03058
Birtist fyrst 25. maí 2005
Hello dear friends!
I am a Norwegian man, aged 40, but living in Sweden who very much would like to get in contact with queer people in Iceland.
I am looking for penfriendship with gay people of your country ? please, no e-mails! People are welcome to write to me at all ages and in either Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English or German.
My main interests are such as writing letters, reading books, seeing movies, seeing theatre plays, going for lang walks, listening to music, foreign languages & cultures, nature, fauna & flora and travelling.
If you are interested please write me a letter:
Alexander Busch
Pilotgatan 50
128 32 Skarpnäck
Birtist fyrst 1. maí 2005
German gay man, 28 years old, is searching for gay (pen-)friends in Iceland. I will visit Iceland once/twice each year so we can meet up there. If you are interested in a (pen)- friendship please send a letter or an e-mail to: markwilf@visir.is
My address is:
Mark Wilfinger
P.O. Box 21 01 14
90119 Nuernberg
Þýskaland / Germany
Birtist fyrst 14. mars 2005
My name is James. I´m a 25 year old university student here in the US. I am interested in making friends (male/female doesn´t matter) of relatively the same age in Iceland. I am a very easy-going, relaxed guy and my interests include hiking, biking, running, history, reading, politics, current events, cooking, and of course Icelandic language and history. I know very little Icelandic so far, but I am working on that! I would also like to hear what life in Iceland is like. I have studied quite a bit about the history and the current political and economic conditions in Iceland, but I want to hear how life is for a regular person. Please email me at: jfpayne@att.net
Birtist fyrst 27. desember 2004
Ciao Islandesi…mi chiamo Stefano sono gay, ho 19 anni e sono di Imola…. vorrei conoscere ragazzi gay islandesi che parlano islandese e italiano… io sono buono, gentile, rispettoso, amo l´Islanda e gli islandesi.. io credo nell´amore, il sesso mi interessa relativamente…prima l´amore, cerco una persona, buona, dolce, e rispettosa, amante della cultura che voglia fare amicizia con me. il mio indirizzo e-mail è: steiss@freemail.it
ciao ciao
Bless og takk fyrir…
Birtist fyrst 1. október 2004
43 ára brasilískur maður óskar eftir að komast í kynni við íslenska karlmenn á aldrinum 30-40 ára. Áhugasamir skrifið á enksu eða portúgölsku til:
Box 3670
20001-970 Rio
fyrst 30. ágúst 2004
A good-looking, honest, intelligent, interesting manly boy, 28 years old, height 175 cm.,weight 70 kg., green eyes, dark-blond hair, with good sportive body and with university education seeks man for real, happy, strong friendship, relationship, good hot hot meetings. Please write with photo if it is possible. My address is: Victor., P.O. Box 22., Kiev 03065., Ukraine.
Birtist fyrst 23. ágúst 2004
Eg heiti Christian (það er „Kristján“ á íslensku!) og ég er háskólanemi frá Bandaríkin. Eg er að læra svó lítið íslensku. Eg ferða til Islandi í september, og ég ætla að hitta með íslenska nemandi. Eg var þrju skipta í Reykjavík en aldrei á sumrin. Er september sumar á Islandi? Eg skal sjá…
Eg hafa líka athugið að ferða einhvers með fjallhjóla eða hestar. það var fyrst skipta á Islandi mjög skemmtileg, og ég vil géra það annar tíma. Eg spíla í rokbandi og í djassbandi í Washington, DC, og ég vil fer til tonlist/hjlómleikar í Reykjavík. Eg hafa líka athuið á jóga og sund. það er svó skemmtilegt á Islandi!
Er það nokkur sem vil hitta að mig í september 19-20? Svó já, menn má skrífa mig tölvupost á þetta netfang: crow@gwu.edu. Við sjaumst : ) Takk fyrir!
Bless, Kristján
Birtist fyrst 23. ágúst 2004
Hi all! I am visiting Reykjavik Aug 29 – Sept 4 and would like to meet someone lively to see the town and have some fun. I am tall (188), relatively slim (76kg), dark blond, and look OK, even in daylight. I am English and live in Germany. I like boys who are young and slim, but above all who are good fun. Please send me a message! With pic if possible. I also can send you one. My email is dws72@gmx.de. Bye! Chris.“
Birtist fyrst 20. júlí 2004
I´m a 23 years-old Mexican guy, living in Guadalajara, Mexico´s second largest city,I always have been interested in Nordic Cultures, but the Icelandic seems to be for me the most exciting and untouched. My name is George (Jorge, in Spanish), I´m single, gay and I´m studying my MBA in Finance and Administration in the Monterrey Tech (ITESM), some of my interests are: World and Popular Culture, Languages, Tourism, Gastronomy, Sports, Bank & Capital Administration, Botanics, and Music. I´m going to start my senior year at my University, and I´m planning to visit Iceland at the end of it. I want to start a pen-pal friendship, if you´re interested, don´t guess to e-mail me ! jorchm@hotmail.com, 00956589@itesm.mx ( ENGLISH, SPANISH OR FRENCH spoken)
Birtist fyrst 7. maí 2004
I am contacting you in the hopes that we can initiate a dialogue, either email or calls, regarding any contacts/friends that you may be able to refer me to in Reykjavik, Iceland. I have been traveling to Europe since my college days at Columbia University in New York City. I´ve also had a fascination with Scandinavian/Nordic history. Within the past three years, I´ve traveled to Sweden and Denmark and have had a great time. I´ve also traveled extensively through out most of Europe, with my parents and alone. This July I plan to make another spontaneous trip, alone, to Iceland and I would welcome what ever opportunity that you can provide me on meeting interesting men in Reykjavik. A little on my own background: I was born and raised in Manhattan and both my parents are Puerto Rican. My dad´s grandfather was Russian and then settled in PR. My dad is an attorney and mom is a NY policewoman, and both my brother and his wife are NYPD police detectives. I have also been involved with politics and gay organizations, in NYC, Washington DC and Miami, FL. Currently, I´m working as a Senior Assistant for a law school here in Miami and hope to begin law school next year. I am currently single and I enjoy making spontaneous trips, like the one that I am planning now. Therefore, I would love to hear back from you and please feel free to email me at: guzmanf@fiu.edu, for helpful tips/contacts in Reykjavik.
Again, thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you…
Cheers from Miami, Frank J. Guzmán
Birtist fyrst 7. maí 2004
Hæ. Ég er frakki, 29 ára, og tala íslensku. Mig langar að hafa samband við Íslendinga. ég er búinn að koma til Reykjavíkur mörgum sinnum og ætla að koma aftur í sumar. Við getum skrifað á íslensku eða frönsku. hlakka til að heyra frá þér. sendu mér linu. skiptirekkimali@yahoo.fr
Birtist fyrst 7. maí 2004
Birtist fyrst 30. mars 2004
Hello. I´m 37 and I live in Switzerland. I´d like to correspond with an Icelandic gay man. I speak English, French, German and Italian. I´ve got the chance to visit Iceland for a week in July, I´m so impatient. So if you want to tell me more about your beautiful country and how you live there, please send me a message at the following adresse: michelbienne@bluewin.ch Thanks.
Birtist fyrst 25. febrúar 2004
Ég er 45 ára gamall bandarískur maður sem er að læra íslensku. Ég leita að þolinmóðum manni sem gæti hjálpað mér við það. Ég hef líka áhuga á málvísindum, landafræði, náttúru, sögu o.s.frv. Gjörðu svo vel að senda mér tölvupóst á jpconnell@comcast.net.
Takk fyrir!
Birtist fyrst 25. febrúar 2004
Hi Guys!
I am an American guy (originally from Algiers, Algeria) planning to visit Reykjavik from July 1 -July and I would like to meet some people from the gay community to interact with and meet when I am in Iceland for friendship. It would be nice if you can help showing me around and if you can´t we can meet up for coffee or a drink!
I would like to correspond with you guys via email until July when I hope to meet you. If you are planning a visit to California, I will be happy to help and if you need a place to stay you are most welcome to stay as well. I am based in san Diego, CA the prettiest and healthy city in the U.S!! If interested email Samir at : mychampions@msn.com
Birtist fyrst 25. febrúar 2004
My name is Stefano. I´m an 18 years old gay boy from Imola, Italy. My greatest passion is Iceland, the Icelandic language and Icelanders. Could we consider me as a bit boring?? I don´t´t think so?I´m so fascinated by the culture, the language and the people of this beautiful country…. Reykjavik is wonderful…lundi is wonderful….and I definitely plan I to live there. But first, I would like to study Icelandic here in Italy, even though it isn?t easy. I´m cordial, gentle, very shy and I believe in love and friendship. Although sex is important, love and emotions come first. I have a great passion for languages, nature and animals (I have got a nice Nymphicus Hollandicus), history and naturally Iceland. My favorite color and number are respective blue and eight. I´m of the sign of the Zodiac of Taurus. If you are an Icelandic boy and you want to make friendship with an Italian boy, please call me or send me an SMS….I speak italian, and I also get by (so to speak) with English or German….and if we find ourselves to the grips in communicating we can also use some Spanish words…
I don?t have access to the internet…but my cell phone number is 00393398801800.
Bless og takk fyrir
bye bye, Stefano
Birtist fyrst 26. janúar 2004
Hi – my name is Olli and I come to Icleand up to five times every year. I´m searching for someone to „hang around“ with when I´ m in Reykjavik. To hang around means for me: go swimming, chat in a bar/pub, go to cinema and talk about this and that and sometimes just do crazy things. I come from Germany and I´m 34 years old. If you want to know more, just s
end me a mail. Youn can write in icelandic, I understand most of it but it will take some more time to speak/write it perfectly 😉 My e-mail address is fangorn9@gmx.de
Birtist fyrst 5. desember 2003
Hi, I´m Thomas, 21 years old from Germany. I´d like to get to know icelandic penpals about my age, as I´m very interested in this country and just started to learn your language. About me: I´m going to be a graphic-design student next summer, am interested in independent, chill and alternative music, got dark-brown hair, blue eyes, sportive, about 1,92m tall and weight about 79kg. Would be glad to hear from you via e-mail: Old_Nobody@gmx.net
Birtist fyrst 5. desember 2003
I am a 38-year old gay man appreciating solitude but looking for the only one who I would be glad and happy with together. In spite of my present loneliness, I have not been used to stay without any socializing for a too long time so I should like to find a lot of pen-friends from all over the world!!! I live in Moscow, work for an insurance company and am NOT waiting for a splendiferous prince who always tarries and hesitates (:-), I´d like to get in touch with similar guys worldwide to correspond, discuss, gossip and so on. I love music, skating, sportsmen, navy sailors and thousand beautiful things :-). So don´t delay replying, I would like to correspond with you very much. I like travelling but I cannot afford that because of my business and job. I am 176 cm tall, weigh 69 kilos, have blue eyes and light blond hair. My ICQ# 25607976, SMS-phone +70955144090 Hope to hear from you soon!
With best regards,
Birtist fyrst 3. nóvember 2003
My name is Adam. I am emeritized teacher of Polish languague and travelling is one of my great interests. I am 53 years old. The visit to Iceland in January 9-27 2004 is in my plans. I want to visit some places of interests in your country. Hiking is especially my favourite way of spending time and I hope to see the nothern lights too! So the latter are one of the main reasons of travelling there in rather out of season time… I would like to meet gay and lesbian friends there for socializing and finding possibilities of accomodation. I am a low budget tourist, so for me it would be kind to get a help from you if possibly. In future I am willing to offer free stays at my flat in Warsaw for visitors from your country. All the best!! Adam e-mail: mszanser@atomnet.pl
Birtist fyrst 3. nóvember 2003
hello I am an italian guy…I would like to meet men over 45… look like greying and moustache… Please contact me at cesco119@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 1. október 2003
I´m a 22 years old french boy, and I will come to Iceland for a 5 month internship (mid November 2003 to mid april 2004) in a firm located in Reykjavik. I would be very happy to meet people that could show me the things to see in your country, and also to chat, and meet other people (I am fear to be alone during those month ;o) So, don´t hesitate to send me an email, i will be very please to answer you, and hopefully meet you when I´ll be in Iceland, contact me at the email adress: endless_summer_2000@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 23. september 2003
Hello, I?m a 50 yr old masculine gay white male in Denver, western USA. I?m 179 cm tall, 70 kg, brown hair, blue eyes, with a swimmer?s build. I have a wide variety of interests, including travel, geology/geography, hiking, bicycling, tennis and racquetball. I have been to Reykjavik 5 times in the past 5 years and have enjoyed looking over a little of southwest Iceland. I know a few people in Iceland; I?m looking to meet via email and perhaps in person, some Icelandic men who have read the gay Center?s newsletter. My e-mail address is: jww1953@ricochet.com Thank-you, Joe in Denver
Birtist fyrst 23. september 2003
Me and a friend of mine (patonic) are traveling to your exciting country in mid Oct. We´re very interested in meeting locals to get to know the place better. My friend is blonde, I´m dark haired. We´re both very fit and well muscled. No fat on either of us. Rob´s an architect, and I work in construction. I also used to entertain the boys in clubs all over America as a gogo dancer. Please email us at Aerthman@aol.com
Birtist fyrst 15. september 2003
I am planning a trip to iceland next summer and I would like to meet other gay men prior to my departure. I am 38 years old and have had a facination with iceland my whole life. I am from Los Angeles but am currently living in Arizona. if you are interested in corresponding with me please email me at erichcox@yahoo.com. I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your time. -Erich Cox
Birtist fyrst 15. september 2003
Hæ! Ég er frá Frakklandi og mig langar að hitta Íslendinga vegna þess að mér líkar Ísland mikið. Ég lærði íslensku við Háskólann og bjó í Reykjavík í mánuð í fyrra. Ég sakna Reykjavíkur mikið. Ef þú vilt get ég skrifað á íslensku eða frönsku. Ég er 27 og á heima í París núna. Hlakka til að heyra frá þér. Sendið mér línu á frakklandisland@yahoo.fr
Birtist fyrst 8. september 2003
Hallo everybody!!! I´m 30 y.o. italian guy! On july 2003 I had the chance to drive through your country for 8 unforgettable days… Unluckly our trip did not give me the opportunity to get in touch with icelandic people, that´ s why now I´d like to meet gay boys or girls (younger or at max of the same age as me!!) intersted in making friends or exchanging mail with me… If you like travelling and having friends all over the world, please contact me at:
Birtist fyrst 25. ágúst 2003
Hello from the South Coast of England 🙂 I am Dave (32) and my partner is Matt (28), we are looking to make new friends in Iceland. We think Iceland is a very beautiful country (some of our pictures can be seen here http://www.belgarath.org/travel/iceland/) We are hoping to spend our 2004 holiday in Reykjavik & Akureyri. We enjoy going for walks, cinema, eating out and spending time at home with our two cats (Muriel & Muffin). My e-mail address is: dave@belgarath.org Hope to hear from you soon! Dave
Birtist fyrst 5. ágúst 2003
Russian boy in Cyprus, 29 years old (looks younger),180 cm, 67 kg, brown eyes and brown hair, goodlooking, educated, romantic, tender, longs a faithful boyfriend up to 35 from everywhere for a long-term relationship and great love. I want to share my life with you, to be with you in good and bad times, to give you all my feelings. Christian gays and gays with spiritual values are very welcome to write me! Don´t waste your and my time if you´re interested in fun without obligations. I want to marry the right person. Mobile phone number 00357 99909186 E-Mail:tchaikovsky@newmail.ru
Birtist fyrst 5. ágúst 2003
Góðan daginn ! I´m writing from Dijon, the small capital of Burgundy in France. I´m a very cuddly, romantic and terribly sensual french guy also of spanish and italian background, 29 years old, dreaming of meeting the great icelandic love of my life (older than myself) to be „married“ for long time ! I´m a gay singer, singing openly my homosexuality. I would like to find people in Iceland interested to build a sincere and deep friendship with me and at the same time to collaborate on a great project of CD on the thema of homosexuality… I have a very uncommon high-pitched voice, androgynous when I´m singing… I´m really in love with your wonderful country, even if I only saw it through interesting books, DVD´s and programs on the TV… That´s mysterious and deep in my heart… I just stayed on the Keflavik International Airport in 2002, in transit for three hours… Then, I didn´t see
all the beauty of your country… I dream of coming back very soon to see, this time, all the incredible places that nature has given to your country… But above all, I would like to share emotions, feelings and a real friendship with people of your country ! Then, I would like to find friends (males or females, musicians, artists…etc… interested to have a good friend from France to share many things with) to show me Iceland (and of course, I would show you France in turn !) and teach me all its secrets and its beauty, its language, gastronomy, culture…etc… And of course, to play music together with this project of CD… I currently don´t speak Icelandic, but I´m going to learn ! I sing in 14 foreign languages and I would like to include your sweet language to be able to sing a song in Icelandic on the CD !!! :o) I also can speak with you in French, Spanish, German or Hebrew. Looking forward to hear from you ! Take care and God bless you ! Takk !
Franck Medina
Rue Dr Robin, 18
F-21000 Dijon
Birtist fyrst 5. ágúst 2003
I am a Tuyrkish guy living in Brussels for 5 years. Iceland is my dream country to visit. I have been planning it for 1 year already! I am good looking they say, cute and a fun guy to be with i guess. I love sailing and contemporary dance. I also swim. I love travelling. I am 30 years old, 191 cm, and 78 kg. Looking forward to meeting Icelandic guys! PLease write to tfry1111@hotmail.com Your photo is highly appreciated. Ofcourse I can also send you a photo.
Birtist fyrst 30. júlí 2003
Ég er franskur nemandi í Háskola Íslands og er að leita mér að atvinnu í Reykjavík í ágúst. Mig langar að vinna á ferðaskrifstofum, öðrum skrifstofum eða í verslunum. Ég er tuttugu og eins árs gamall og tala fimm tungumál: frönsku, ensku, spænsku og pínulitið í pólsku og íslensku sem ég hef lært núna í tvö ár. Ég þekki vel til Íslands og Reykjavíkur. Tölvupóstfang mitt er : bogosse75@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 10. júlí 2003
My name is Enrique Rodriguez,I´m a gay man,40 years old, night auditor working in a luxury hotel. I was born in Perú (South America), but I´m living in Paraguay (another country of South America). I love Iceland, because I enjoy Geography and Languages. I would like to learn Icelandic and have many gay pen-pal friends!!!. I read about Samtokin78 and your experience is very interesting. I enjoy the pics from the Gay Pride Parade (I believe that saw the pics from the 2000 Gay Pride). I can write in English, French or Portuguese. So, for me Icelandic is very difficult!!! I´m going to answer all the e-mails that you send me. Here, we are 4 hours behind Iceland. I use Internet by night.
My email is : dodiperu@yahoo.com
Well,regards to all of you, I wait your emails !!!
Birtist fyrst 10. júlí 2003
Hello, Samtökin ´78! I am pleased to read that everyone over age 26 is welcome to attend your lesbian/gay group meetings. This means there is no age discrimination, thank you! 🙂 I will be arriving in Keflavik on August 11th to remain under contract as a teacher for many months. However, I am age 68. Although, my age does not bother me, I DO find it difficult to locate lesbians around my age. I enjoy being with young people, but I certainly can share discussion of my life a bit easier with someone around my age in exchange with their life´s experiences. I wonder if there are some older lesbians in Iceland? I do have a partner, therefore I only seek good communication and friendship with you in your wonderful country of Iceland. I am very proud to read about you and your progress in your beautiful land.
Most sincerely,
Joy D. Griffith
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Birtist fyrst 9. júlí 2003
Hello, my name is Giacomo (the man on the right of the picture on www.sconcio.it), I am gay and in love, from about one year, with my boyfriend Simone. We live in Italy but we would like to meet pen-pal friends from Iceland, because we have always dreamed about your wonderful country, its traditions and its nature. We have a personal web site, with an english section, so you can visit it and drop us an e-mail. We are simple persons, very honest, and exclusively interested in friendship, so, please, don´t write us with any sexual requests because we are not an open couple.
E-mail: giacomo@sconcio.it Website: www.sconcio.it
Birtist fyrst 9. júlí 2003
Birtist fyrst 8. júlí 2003
I am a Spanish guy living in Reykjavik from July 5 to August 2. I would love to meet some Icelandic gay guys for friendship (to meet and have a coffee or perhaps as a penpal). I´d love to know more about your beautiful country through your eyes and opinions. I am interested in young people around my age (25-30) so that we talk about music, movies, books… Please send me an email at janv@rice.edu. My name is Jose and I even have a telephone number you can call me at here in Iceland
Birtist fyrst 21. júní 2003
Hi there! I´m from Greece. I´m 33 with black hair and brown eyes. I like traveling, clubing, outdoor walking and I love animals. I´m looking for pen-pals 25-35. Please write me at: moysikh@yahoo.com
Birtist fyrst 19. júní 2003
Hi! My name is Audzej and I am seeking friends in Iceland. I am 42 y/o and I am looking for someone between 30-45 y/o. I work as a police in a Bank but my profession is masseur. I have two citizenships – Polish and American. Please contact me at: A.CHIDOWIEC
185 skr. 59-302 LUBIN 4
Tel + 48 507 27 99 01
Birtist fyrst 27. maí 2003
I am a 32 year old gay male from Los Angeles coming to Iceland for the first time. I am looking for a gay male about my age to show me around a little. I speak English, French, some Spanish and a little Italian. I would like to see what life is like in Iceland and would also like to go camping. You are welcome to write to me at:
takk fyrir
Kyle Smith
Birtist fyrst 26. maí 2003
Hey there. I´m a 23 year old guy from Melbourne, Australia. I´m hoping to travel to Iceland in the middle of 2004, and I´m looking for people around my age to make contact with – people in Iceland or other travellers planning to go there at the same time. It´d be nice to talk to people I have a bit in common with – I´m especially interested in the music scene over there – I´m really into Björk, Sigur Rós, Múm and so on. I´m a pretty creative person and hope to take a lot of pictures in Iceland. Anyway if this at all sounds interesting it´d be good to hear from you, my email is
Thanks.. Darren
Birtist fyrst 15. maí 2003
Ég er karlmaður á höfuðborgarsvæðinu um fimmtugt, fjölskyldumaður sem aldrei hef reynt kynlíf með karlmanni en langar mikið til að prófa og kynnast sjálfum mér betur. Þetta með mig og karlmennina er gamall draumur sem ég hef aldrei tala um við neinn, en nú reyni ég þennan vettvang til að koma út úr skelinni. Ég bið um 100% trúnað og lofa að sjálfsögðu því sama. Ég set engar sérstakar óskir fram um það hvernig þú eigir að líta út eða á hvaða aldri þú eigir að vera. Það verður bara að koma í ljós hvernig við eigum saman. En heiðarleiki og
reglusemi skiptir mig máli.
Vinsamlegast sendið svar í pósti á:
Samtökin ´78,
Laugavegi 3,
101 Reykjavík,
merkt Nýi Norðurbær 116.
Birtist fyrst 15. maí 2003
Hallo Iceland! My name if Fidel Lim. I´m a 35 year Asian male who lives in NYC. I´ll be in Reykjavik for a week from June 30 to July 8. I am writing to see if there is a way to meet personally a gay Icelander around my age who I can perhaps meet to have a better understanding of your country (I don´t need a place to stay, just someone to have talk with over coffee or something). I´d be willing to return the favor if he comes to NYC. Thanks a lot.
Birtist fyrst 15. maí 2003
Hello! My partner, Char, and I will be visiting Iceland in late July this year. We would love to email with lesbians from there. We are especially interested in volcanoes, glaciers, deserts, rafting, hiking short trails, and nature. We like to garden, dance, and I sew clothing and fabric art. We are retired teachers. I chose Iceland because we like the geology there, and it is a cool place to be during the hot New York summer. We live in the mountains of New York State (not the city). It was so exciting to see a gay website. I hope to learn a lot about your country, and maybe get some helpful tips about traveling there. The best part would be to have some email friends too!! Thank you.
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
Ég heiti Rodolfo. Ég tala enga ensku. Mér þykir það leitt. Mér þætti gaman að geta haft samband við einhvern í landi ykkar, einhvern sem talar dálítið í spænsku. Hafið samband við mig með netpósti ef þið hafið áhuga.
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
Góðan dag, I´m a french gay student (in art school) called Cédric. I´m 21. I love Iceland and i search an Ielandic gay man to communicate with , between 20 and 40 years old Takk og Bless.
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
I´m 22 Asian college lad in tropical Down Under Australia. Seek penpals of Icelandic guys, age unimportant. I´m an avid traveller who is fascinated by Iceland [land, culture, people] wanting to get to know more about it. Your questions on Australia are most welcomed. Write in English or French to:
Cheers ? Gama
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
New York Gay man visiting Iceland. Sometime in next Fall or Spring, I will visit Iceland. I am a single gay man living in midtown Manhattan. I am retired and take classes at Columbia University. I used to do film and television publicity in Hollywood before I moved back to NYC. I read a lot, go to theatre and ballet, go to the gym every day and museums. I have an extradinary collection of rare movies and have people in regularly to see them. If you think we have something in common, send me an e-mail.
Barry Cherin
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
Hei all. Gay Asian boy living in Finland is interested in having a penpal from Iceland. Either a guy or a girl. Age doesn´t matter either…
Best regards,
Birtist fyrst 9. maí 2003
My name is Carlos Galvez. I am a Latin guy. I have brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin color, 5´8´´ ft tall, very athletic, 23 y/o guy. Looking for a Icelandic guy between 24 to 31, athletic and nice looking to hang out and maybe more. Questions about me, please contact me at the following address and have a pic with u:
431 East Central Boulevard Apartament 306
Orlando, Fl. 32801
Birtist fyrst 2. apríl 2003
My name is Simon. I am a friendly gay guy and I am English, 39 years old. I have a great interest in Icelandic life and culture and I have been to Iceland three times. My last visit was in 1997. Iceland is my most favourite country and in my opinion, the most beautiful country I have ever visited. I also find Icelandic people to be the most friendly and hospitable I have ever known. I would like to correspond with some gay Icelandic guys (30-45) and make some friends. Hopefully one day we could meet and visit each other as well.
Kind regards,
Birtist fyrst 26. mars 2003
I´m a 32-year old Brazilian gay man planning to visit Iceland in May 2003. It would be nice to know someone before who could give me some hints. If you (please over 30) are interested in a long lasting but perhaps not too intensive e-mail-friendship I would be happy to try it with you. Ok, ok, nothing excluded, but actually originally no background intentions If you prefer any other language among French, Italian, German, Spanish or Portuguese for e-mailing it would be ok for me.
See you
Birtist fyrst 26. mars 2003
Hi. I am a 35 year old single lesbian, and am travelling to Iceland for 3-4 days in early May. I am interested in sightseeing and enjoying a bit of the gay nightlife. Are there any specific places where I can go to make friends with other lesbians?
Thanks, and hope to hear from you
Birtist fyrst 17. mars 2003
Marc, Brazilian gay, 42, 180, 90, HIV free, Good overall seeks a broadminded, caring, cuddlish, 30-40 yo lifetime partner for monogamic serios relationship
PO Box 3670
BR 20001 ? 970 RIO
Birtist fyrst 6. mars 2003
I will be at the Loftleidir hotel for two nights March 19 and 20. If you know of anyone who wants to meet a 62 year old American professor whose hobby is speaking Chinese let me know all so I play bridge but bid in the old fashioned Goren style. I am most looking forward to the olympic pool and hot tubs also I know shiatsu well. Best love. Alfred Lennart Karlson alf177@yahoo.com
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
My name is Ben. I am 23 years old and live in New York City. I am an actor and photographer. I have recently become very interested in Iceland, it´s culture, climate, language, etc… I am very interested in visiting Iceland some time this year, and would adore having a penpal in Iceland!! I don´t know very much Icelandic at the moment. So far all I can say is „Ég veit ei hvad skal segja“ which obviously won´t get me far. I can also say „Hún mamma hans, svei mér thá!“ which will probably not come in too handy, either. ; )
Ben Strothmann, New York City
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
Hi, Guys, I am a GWM ;living in NYC. I am interested in meeting a young Icelandic man, as a friend and maybe more. I am 48, 6´0″ , 200lbs. I am interested in meeting a young man 18-24 who would like to come visit in Manhattan some day. I like everything in the arts, especially opera, ballet and classical music. let me know how you are doing and if you are interested. Take care, Chris. clinstrom@aol.com
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
Hello from Sri lanka. I am a gay male. Medical doctor .I like to have true gay friends from Iceland. Thank you,
Amila Gunesekera amiladarshana@yahoo.com
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
Hello Iceland, My name is Tom. I am from Vienna, Austria and lately i got very interested in your country. Iceland has always been interesting and somehow a mystery to me, but since i flew right over your island last october in clear sunshine and i could make out features and even villages, I got more and more affected. Fine. T
o cut it short, I would love to get in touch with Icelandic gays just for e-mailing. I am 38, 183 cm, 69 kg, blue eyes, dark hair, slim-sporty. If anyone is interested in writing to me, i shall be glad. Many regards fromVienna. tomtjr@chello.at
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
Jürgen frá Berlín er 45 ára og þráir það heitast að kynnast íslenskum mönnum að þrítugu. Hann hefur áhuga á útiveru og hestamennsku.
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
My name is Yorgos,a 33 year old married man from Greece but mainly attracted to male people.My wife is aware of my sexuality. I am very interested and keen on the Icelandic culture and would love to have a male penfriend from Iceland around my age with whom I could correspond in English or French. My hobbies: geography,languages,music.
Birtist fyrst 5. mars 2003
Hi, guys, how u doing there in iceland, me i m a mexican guy living in canada for 3 years. I wrote to u because i like to have friends from this beautiful country. So, i would like to hear from you, I like to know how is gay life in Iceland. So for the moment thats all. Hope to hear from you. Enrique
Birtist fyrst 4. mars 2003
Hi there! My name is Roland, 26 yr., living + working in Vienna and completely fascinated about Iceland… even dreaming about it… I was always woundering about icelandic people and culture, influenced by this unique landscape, by this very special history, by the value towards your tradition and it´s contents, ja, even by the geographical position,… and what´s gay life like there… so, there´s just one point: although I´m not earning that bad for austrian conditions, there´s nearly no way to afford a stay in Iceland… I´ve found cheap flights, but life seems to be very expensive… do you have any ideas? is there a possibility for cheap private rooms, for example? is there a possibility to earn some money? …hmm, would you, as a native Icelandic, as I suppose, say, it is worth it? I mean in the sense of „do whatever you can do, to experience Iceland!!“ thank you! Best wishes from cold, wet Vienna
Birtist fyrst 4. mars 2003
British guy (21) and American girl (25) looking to rent accomodation in Reykjavik 101 from June 1st for 3 months, maybe more. We´re looking for either a 2 to 3 bedroomed fully-furnished flat or just two rooms in a private house or flat. We´re responsible, fun and friendly and we speak some Icelandic. Contact Chris at chrisbolwig@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 4. mars 2003
Hello, I am from America and am considering a trip to Iceland. I am a gay male, 30 years old and would enjoy meeting / talking with someone over email in that part of the world. If you know soemone who would not mind some international correspondence, plesae let me know. miketsar@aol.com
Birtist fyrst 3. mars 2003
Hello everybody! My name is Einar and I?m 26. y.o. guy who lives in Iceland. I?m looking for friendship and even more if someone is interested. Please feel welcome of knowing me. U guys have to have heart made of gold 😉 My hobbies includes: Swimming, movies, theatre, dancing, nature, concerts, music (classical, ´70s, ´80s music & techno and lot more). If U want more info, have a look at my new web page: www.geocities.com/icegayman2000/ einsie@hotmail.com
Birtist fyrst 25. febrúar 2003
Liam Campbell, 25 ára breti vill gjarna leigja herbergi eða studioíbúð í einn til tvo mánuði. Hann getur bjargað sér á íslensku og reykir ekki. Liam@liamcampbell.co.uk
Birtist fyrst 25. febrúar 2003
I am a gay 31 year old man from ireland and i would like it if any of your members would like to e-mail me, my name is Ray
Birtist fyrst 9.desember 2002
I´m a 23 years old Italian boy. I´m studying interpretation at the university, speak 5 languages and i simply love Iceland!Maybe one day i´ll move there to spend my life in a wonderful town like REYKJAVIK is! I bought an icelandic grammar to study your language but i have to say that it´s so difficult…but i adore it! I like reading , going out with friends and enjoying life! I´m looking for icelandic pen pals (as young as me) to talk about iceland, italy, nature and love! Well, i hope to get an answer soon. Enjoy this world Simone
Birtist fyrst 28. nóvember 2002
Hi! I am a 45 years old italian woman living in Hamburg/Germany and I would like to find people in Iceland for writing about our lives, ideas and so on…I am interested about the islandic language, the country and how lesbians and gays live in Iceland. I can write german, italian, french and english. Have a good time! Erminia
Birtist fyrst 19. nóvember 2002
André Schenk er 45 ára Svisslendingur, kennari í fríi og er að skrifa bók sem gerist á Íslandi. Hann vill gjarnan komast í samband við einhvern sem er tilbúinn að hjálpa honum með stöku orð og lýsingar á aðstæðum. Hann ætlar að koma til Íslands á næstunni og er tilbúinn að taka á móti íslendingum í Sviss. Skrifið til: andre.schenk@net2000.ch
Birtist fyrst 19. nóvember 2002
Hiya! My name is Wandson Lima and I´m from Brazil. I´ve been travelling over 15 countries since 1999 and spending time meeting new people and learning languages and culture. I eally want to go to Iceland and will e brilliant to have some pals over there to take me to nice places and have fun. I´m 25 years old, educated and humorous. I´m studying electronic music in London for a while. If you want to become my friend, please send me an email wfavoritos@yahoo.com.br
Birtist fyrst 19. nóvember 2002
Hi everybody! My name is Nicolas i´m french and i am 17. I´m writing to you in order to know wether it would be possible to get some icelandic penfriends as i might come to study in Reykjavik next year. It would be interesting to have already some contacts in order not to find my self alone there. If you are about my age that is to say between 17 and 20 you can e-mail me at the following adress : nick_vallet@hotmail.com Hope to have news from somebody very soon Regards, Nick
Birtist fyrst 19. nóvember 2002
Hello, I am a 55 year old man. I will be in Reykjavik June 21 to 27, 2003. I am looking for a good looking young man, age 18 to 27 to show me around town. I would be most generous and take care of him for his time. If we get along, I would invite him to my home in Orlando Florida. Regards, Marvin Kasper
Birtist fyrst 11. nóvember 2002
Hello. I´m very interested in Iceland among other reasons due to being an Asatru Godhi. I live in Lexington Krntucky, USA. I will eventually learn Icelandic when I finish the French language certification I am working on now. One language at a time is enough! I am also a 43 year oldpartnered gay male (14 1/2 years together). I would like to make email friends in Iceland. I´m interested in gardening, nature, history, cooking, science fiction and much else. I teach Spanish for a living. Patrick „Jordsvin“ (it´s a long story) Buck
Birtist fyrst 11. nóvember 2002
Hi, My name is Dragan. I am Macedonian (Republic of Macedonia),27y.o. 170cm;60kg. brown. I am very much interested to meet an Icelander (Gay). My wish is one day to visit Iceland and to become an Icelander. I have BA in Politics and I am working as a journalist. My home is in the capital city Skopje. I like to have a pen-friend from Iceland! Dragan
Birtist fyrst 11. nóvember 2002
Hi there. I am twenty and from the U.K. and would like to get in touch with some icelandic boys to email as next year I plan to visit your country. It would be nice to get to know some people before that. Hope to hear from you soon… Craig
Birtist fyrst 11. nóvember 2002
Hello there. I´m 50 years old Colombian gay who lives in Amsterdam for 25 five years. I wold like to exchange e-mails with nice gay men from Iceland.I like to visit your country next year in august. Please write to me and if you are interested to come to Amsterdam you are welcome. mandus@wanadoo.nl
Birtist fyrst 11. nóvember 2002
Portuguese gay 168/70/32y.o. is looking for a stable relationship in Iceland. I´m tired of living in Portugal and I would like to begin a new life abroad. Best regards,
José Cardoso
Apartado 55 – 2860 Moita-Portugal
Birtist fyrst 3. október 2002
Dear friend. My name is Nikolay. I`m not young man, I`m 45 bulgarian ex top journalist, rather handsom and with measures that everybody pray to have – tall 188 sm, 89 kg, 20 sm in erection. Please, give my email to any viking, who like not very young, but real handsome men loving to fuck and to be fucked. Sure in this moment I`m in a little crise, but it is not the reason I do write. So – give my e-mail to a person who is not terrible closed, very cold, suspicious,who shudder to spend a buck in the restourant,who have an imagination and be not rasist. Thanks a lot. Nik
Birtist fyrst 3. október 2002
Góðan daginn! My name is John Lorenzen, American, 41, attractive, bright fun, romantic. I am interested in meeting a Icelandic man who may be interested in friendship and perhaps more. Interested in meeting penpals, too. I´d like to move to Iceland this winter/spring. I have a degree in environmental education. I am also looking for a place to share/rent and a job. I am a affectionate, romantic, fun with a good sense of humor. Like hiking, opera, massage, sagas, folklore, conversation and so much more. Icelandic guys, hope to hear from you. Please email me. Takk! John Lorenzen
Birtist fyrst 19. september 2002
My name is Andrew Stillson and I am 16 from the state of Maine in the U.S.A. I am gay and I am very interested in Iceland and Icelandic culture. I play many musical instruments: violin, viola, bass, bassoon, french horn, and flute. I am looking for anyone who would like to help me out with information on Iceland and such. I am going to college for Icelandic. I also really enjoy music from Björk, Sigur Rós, and a variety of ska and punk music.
Andrew D. Stillson
Birtist fyrst 16. september 2002
I am a gay male from the Western United States and will be visiting Reyjavik and spending some time in Akureyri next spring. I´m hoping to find someone to email/chat with, primarily in Akureyri, but also in Reykjavik, any age. Hope to hear from you gays. Eric
Birtist fyrst 11. september 2002
Hi there. I´m an attractive, Gay Asian Male looking for a good friend to share good times with when I visit Iceland in October from New York City. I work out, travel and enjoy just having a meal and good conversation with a friend. I´m 36, 170 cm, 60 kg. I am considered to be a very good friend who is warm and thoughtful. I am looking for an Icelandic man who is probably 35-45 years old, handsome, masculine, athletic to have a good time with. If interested we can exchange e-mails and photos. nyc2eyes@yahoo.com
Birtist fyrst 11. september 2002
Hi gays. I am 22 years old , 181 cm, 70 kg. I have graduated the university, the faculty of psychology this year. I like to listen to electronic music of different kinds. Also I have an idea to make a videofilm (for fun). I would like to meet a young man, gay or bisexual for the communication by Internet and even for spending time together if I visit Iceland. The language prefered is English. My best regards!
Boris Mikhailov
Birtist fyrst 11. september 2002
Hola amigos! I am Alfredo, a 28 year old Spaniard ,who lives now in Barcelona. Before I have livied in London, Berlin, and other cities. Bodywise, I am 1,84m, slim, hairy. My job is to do with languages, German, English, and some French. I am looking for friends and more. Always nice people, and nothing heavy. I want to go to Iceland on holidays in September / October…and it would be nice to get someone local to show me a few places around, and get to know some real natives!! Or if any of you is coming to Barcelona, I could likewise show you this superb buzzing city! Write to me ,nice icelanders!! Alfredo
Birtist fyrst 11. september 2002
Hi, My name is Jerrick. I am currently living in Juneau, Alaska. I am part Native Alaskan (Indian) and am currently 20 years old. I plan on coming to Iceland on October 1st and staying until my 21´st birthday before flying back home. I would like to meet some gay Icelanders, who might be villing to show me around the city I want to make this trip a memorable one. There is very little information in Alaska about Iceland and especially the GLBT community so your help is GREATLY appreciated. Sincerely,
Jerrick Cale Fulkerson
3710 Amalga Street
Juneau, Alaska, 99801, USA
Birtist fyrst 9. september 2002
Ivo er 22 ára og býr í Sao Paulo í Brazilíu. Hann hefur alla tíð verið heillaður af Íslandi og íslendingum og ætlar að heimsækja okkur við fyrsta tækifæri. Þangað til vonast hann eftir að geta skrifast á við einhvern. Hann hefur áhuga á öllu sem snertir Gay-samfélagið og stöðu samkynhneigðra. Hann skrifar á ensku, portúgölsku og frönsku.
Birtist fyrst 9. september 2002
Line frá Noregi ætlar að koma til Íslands í desember og er að vonast eftir að fá gistingu hjá íslenskri lesbíu/lesbíum. Hún er ekki endilega að leita að ókeypis gistingu. Hún er einhleyp, hefur gaman af lífinu í öllum sínum myndum, opinská tillitsöm og heiðarleg. Hún kemur hingað til upplifa landið, taka myndir og njóta lífsins. Hún er reyklaus og vill helst búa hjá reyklausum lesbíum eldri en 35 ára.
Skrifið til:
Line Amdal
H.D.G. GT. 23
N-7600 Levanger
Birtist fyrst 24. Júlí 2002
We are 2 french guys, coming to Iceland from 18th till 28th of august, looking for hosting exchanges with other Icelandic travellers. We live in Montpellier, south of France, one of the most interesting areas in France, close to sea, mountain, rivers. The first artistic and gay scene after Paris. We would love to be hosted by any Icelander for a night in Reykjavik, Vik or Akureyri and so much happy to receive our hosts back here in France. The duration is not a problem. We could receive people here for one or two weeks. Rémy and David
Birtist fyrst 1. júlí 2002
Ég heiti Frederick og ég er 27 ára. Ég bý í París. Ég er að læra íslensku. Indeed I am learning Icelandic. I am hoping to have some penpals to improve my Icelandic. I definitely need it. I am also very curious about Iceland, Icelanders and gay people there. I´d love to be in contact with you. Moreover if you are interested in French, we could share experiences or help each other.
Birtist fyrst 1. júlí 2002
Hæ strákar 25-50 ára! Ég er fertugur og rétt að þoka mér út úr skápnum. Ég er að leita að nánum félaga og vini sem er tilbúinn að sýna fullan trúnað. Sendið svar merkt:
Samtökin ´78
Pósthólf 1262, 121 Reykjavík
Birtist fyrst 1.júlí 2002
Hi, I am 16 year old UK gay lad, looking for Icelandic gay penpals in Reykjavik. In a few months, I am moving either to Rekyjavik or Amsterdam, (because of their accepting views on homosexuality) and I´d like to start writing to people already living in Rekyjavik. I speak English, Spanish and Dutch and I´m looking to learn Icelandic. I would like penpals of all ages and all backgrounds are considered! Hope to hear from you all soon! James.
Birtist fyrst 26. júní 2002
Hi, My name is Marcel and I am 32 years old and from the Netherlands, working in a large hospital in the north. I am a tall blue eyed Dutch guy ,short shaven hair, just a normal kind of person , I have been to Iceland in june and I would like to have penpals from Iceland because i am planning to com back to find a job for some time , I would also like to learn icelandic. It sounds so nice. Kind regards, Marcel.
Birtist fyrst 24. júní 2002
My name is Axel. I´m an 18 year old college student majoring in scandinavian languages and literature (I am fascinated with Iceland). I will be visiting next summer, so I am looking to make friends before I go. I really don´t care how old you are, I just want to meet nice, interesting people who would be willing to show me a good time in Iceland (and help me practice my Icelandic). If you are interested, please email me at:
Birtist fyrst 24. júní 2002
Hi, My name is Laurent and I am a French gay, 31y. old living in New York. I am planning a trip to Iceland and am looking for a email-friend. I will be travelling by myself and knowing some one would not make me feel so lost once I am there. Hope to hear from some one,
Best regards, Laurent
Birtist fyrst 24. júní 2002
Hi! My name is Peter, I´m 25 years old, a microbiologist, and I live in Poland. I´m looking for a gay guy in Iceland to exchange letters and for a long friendship. Hope to hear from you.
Kind regards ? Peter
Birtist fyrst 20. júní 2002
Hi, my name is Barry Lee Reynolds and I am a 21 year old college student pursuing a Masters degree in teaching English to speakers of other languages. I am 180cm tall, weigh 68kg and I live in Kentucky, USA. I plan to move to another country to teach English after finishing my Master (unless I decide to get my PhD). I haven´t decided which country I am going to move to, but I was thinking of somewhere in Asia; though I am open to other parts of the world. I don´t know if there is a need for this type of profession in Iceland, but I would like to find out! If anyone in their late teens or 20s would like an internet pen pal please contact me. I would love to find out more about Iceland and maybe have a friend there if I ever decided to visit. I enjoy reading, writing poetry, working out and a ton of other stuf. Maybe you could be the person who convinces me that Iceland is the perfect place for me.
Birtist fyrst 20. júní 2002
Hi! from Prague! Finally a gay contact in Iceland! I have been so pleased to discover your address in the Lonely Planet guide book to Iceland.I have always wanted to find a pen pal in your beautiful country and now it seems to me more than possible. I am 39, a teacher. Love travelling. Would like to find a pen-pal around my age. VLADI KONCEL ZATECKYCH 3
140 00 PRAHA 4
Birtist fyrst 20.júni 2002
I will be visiting Iceland in August and would like to have a pen-pal to write to before I come. I am 32 and a high school teacher. I live in Washington, DC. I am also working on a doctorate in American history at Georgetown University. I was born and raised in New York. I am 5 foot 11 and weigh 180 lbs. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I enjoy running and biking. Hope to hear from you gays. Anthony
Birtist fyrst 20. júní 2002
I am a 26 year -old gay French boy living in Paris. I am actually „trying“ to learn Icelandic on my own. Needless to say it is really difficult. I am also planning to visit Iceland this summer. That´s why i would like to have pen pals to share things about our cultures or about being gay in our different countries. I am very curious to know about gay Icelandic people. Fred
Birtist fyrst 20. júní 2002
I´ll be in Reykjavik the weekend of July 19-22, staying at the Youth Hostel. I will certainly visit Spotlight, but was wondering what other activities might be of interest to a physically fit 43 year old liberal bisexual man? Despite my advanced age, I am generally most at ease with people 20-35. I´m interested in hiking, nature, hot springs, and history. I´m NOT interested in things relating to leather or „bears.“ Doug White
Birtist fyrst 30. maí 2002
Hi there! Greetings from Uganda. I have just finished reading all about your site. It sounds marvellous and to tell the truth am soooo envious of you guys. Back in my country its crimminal to even think like that . There has been a bit of effort to acknowledge our kind of person but to no avail. Anyway the reason for this is to say I salute the humble beginnings of your organiasation . And to say that i hope the same can happen to my country sometime soon.
Can you imagine am a certified lesbian and are yet to experience love the way i want it? !!!! If anyone is willing to be my netpal please don´t hestitate to mail me. Especially lesbians out there.
Lots of love from me. Kuhla zoe
Birtist fyrst 30. maí 2002
My name is Nico and i´m from Germany. I was in Iceland last summer and enjoyed it very much. Nevertheless I have problems with the language (it is as difficult as spoken latin!! 🙂 ) But want to learn it! I am hoping to spend some time in Reykjavik soon and would like to find a pen-pal there. Nico
Birtist fyrst 30. maí 2002
We are a French gay couple, 37 and 39 years old, looking for nice gay people in Iceland, Reykjavik and elsewhere, who could put us up for one night or more, from July 16 to 31. Indeed, we have planned to visit your country and we´ll be touring the island with a car. Of course, in exchange, we´ll be very glad to return the accommodation here in Paris.
We´re looking forward to hear from you. Walter & Benoît
Birtist fyrst 24.apríl 2002
Hi there, you have a very nice website and I am glad the gay community in Iceland is so organized. I live in Seattle in the USA and have had a long interest in Iceland. In fact, it was a guy in my Old Icelandic class at university who brought me out of the closet! Anyway, I would love to write with someone and find out more about gay life in Iceland and day-to-day life in Iceland as well. I have forgotten most of my Icelandic, men jag talar lite svenska om det hjalpar. Carl Dahlgren
Birtist fyrst 24.apríl 2002
Pau er 21 árs frá Barcelona og ætlar að koma til Íslands í september með bróður sínum. Hann vill gjarnan eignast kunningja / vini áður, þó hvorki sé hann að leita að ókeypis gistingu né kynlí
fi. Hann hefur brennandi áhuga á landi og þjóð. Pau Clofent
Birtist fyrst 24. apríl 2002
I am planning to visit Island this year and would like to meet guys aged between 18 and 35 years old. I am a handsome Japanese living in Mexico. 1,77cm tall, 70kg weight, black hair and brown eyes. Thanks, Brian K.
brian_kazuyuki@hotmail.com or Antenna 33@aol.com.
Birtist fyrst 12. apríl 2002
Richard , 21 árs frá Bretlandi er að leita að vinnu á Íslandi í sumar. Hann er í námi og vinnur auk þess hjá almannatengslafyrirtæki og aðstoðar skólabörn með námserfiðleika. Hann hefur reynslu af bar og hótelstörfum og sölumennsku en er opinn fyrir flestu. Richard Miller
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
My name is David and I am a 22 year old guy. I study digital arts and photography at the College of Fine Arts, in Sydney, Australia. I am very interested in Iceland, and would love to travel there, so i was searching through the internet to learn about your very cool country and the situation for gay guys and women there. It seems like there´s a very progressive movement there which always good to see! I would like an email penpal someone around my age who lives in Reykjavik and I can chat to from the other end of the world! David
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
Hi! I am an Italian-born, Japanese-thinking, French-speaking, English-loving 27-year-old guy. Too complicated? Well wait to know me, then! After Rome, Paris and Tokyo I am working in Reykjavìk for the next 6 months. I am looking for friends in Reykjavìk – preferably Icelandic; gay, bisexual or straight. I think I am bisexual but who knows? Sensibility, sense of friendship and good manners are paramount. A bientot! HS
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
I am Erik from Belgium. I am a phd student looking for gay friends in Iceland. Would like to learn the language. If anyone interested please mail me back. Erik
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
Hallo, this is Paul from the Czech Republic here. I´d like to know Iceland more and I´d like to visit your country someday. I would like to get an e-mail connection with an older man (55-65 years old) I prefer hairless men if I can choose. I have short hair, green/brown eyes, I am 174cm high, 70 kg weight, 26 years old student. I like travelling, nature & trekking, internet, music and many more. Paul
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
Been looking through your website and it´s very informing and most interesting. Iceland seems like a fascinating and magical place. I noticed something about penpals and was wondering if anyone is interested in e-mailing or writing letters back and forth. Just a little about me…I am a Canadian living in France at the moment… 23 years old, and will hopefully come to visit Iceland one day. If anyone is interested in being friends feel free to send me an e-mail. Hope to hear from some one friendly soon. Richard
Birtist fyrst 11. apríl 2002
Hallo, this is Paul from the Czech Republic here. I´d like to know Iceland more and I´d like to visit your country someday. I would like to get an e-mail connection with an older man (55-65 years old) I prefer hairless men if I can choose. I have short hair, green/brown eyes, I am 174cm high, 70 kg weight, 26 years old student. I like travelling, nature & trekking, internet, music and many more. Paul
Birtist fyrst 2.apríl 2002
I would like to exchange e-mail with members of the Iceland gay community. I will be traveling to Iceland in May and would like to meet and relax with members of the community. I am from Phoenix, Arizona and am currently working a four-month assignment in England. Thank you very much and I look forward to visiting Iceland in May Craig Barnes
Birtist fyrst 2.apríl 2002
I am a 32 year old gay male interested in having a penpal, an Icelandic gay or lesbian. I will be travelling to Iceland this July and would like the chance to get to know someone prior to visiting. I will mainly be in the Reykjavik area. Adam
Birtist fyrst 2. apríl 2002
My partner, Brian and I are planning a trip to Iceland later this year (probably in September). It´s really a honeymoon, as we plan to have a commitment ceremony here in the States before we leave. We are looking for some friends, good activities, and a nice place to stay. Any help you could offer would be appreciated! Thanks, Michael Dettner
Birtist fyrst 2.apríl 2002
Northern italian man, 52 years ,really young looking, 181×72, brown hair & eyes. I like travelling, friends around the world, arts, nature, gym, and i´m looking for friends 25-45, especially muscular,active and friendly.Let´s get in touch! Roberto
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
At Christmas this year (Dec. 21-26) I will be in Reykjavik alone in a hotel (terrible – not Reykjavik of course but being alone). I would be extremely glad to get into contact with a nice gay guy in Reykjavik who is in the same situation. I´m a 45 y/o gay german, well educated scientist, tall, unfortunately too thick (sorry!), but strong and tender, with brown hairs, smooth body and pretty face. I like to listen to interesting people and myself I´m interested in learning all about life in Iceland. I like to spend evenings in a calm and comfortable way (no scene!) with talking, dining in good restaurants and so on. And so I´m looking for a serious honest person which has similar interests and likes to report competently. Friendly yours Pete
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hi guys, what about having a nice 26 year old friend from Italy? I´d love to get in touch with you and with your wonderful country which I haven´t visited yet but I´ll do very soon, so don´t make me wait. to:marianopio@lycos.it
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hello everybody, we are two Parisian boys, 29 years old, quite into Icelandic culture, and looking for friends for conversation and friendship and possible visit either Iceland or France. Please don´t hesitate to contact us!! We are young and free Read you soon, Alexandre and Florian for your pleasuresssss
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hi. My name is Dominik. I currently live in New York City. I was born in Poland however my dad´s side is Icelandic and Norwegian so I´m trying to find other gay Icelanders to talk to online. I´m 18, 6´1″, blonde hair, blue eyes, athletic. I love to read and I like music. I´m a vegan (I don´t eat any meat or dairy) and I practice yoga. I´m gay and straight acting, no one can tell that I´m gay. I´m looking for gay Icelandic guys age 18-21 to talk to via e-mail. If you´d like to know more about me go to my website:
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Andreas, gay guy (39) from Vienna is looking for friends with similar interests: Music, Inline-skating, travelling, theatre/cinema, arts/painting & lots more.
Andreas Blaschke
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hi there! I am interested in finding out more information on Iceland and thinking about making a visit Iceland in November or December. I am 37
GWM and live in Chicago. I am interested in corresponding with someone prior to my trip to Iceland. I welcome any correspondence from anyone that may see this posting. Thank you in advance!
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hi, my name is Kenneth, I am a chinese doctor in a hospital, 34y, 170 cm and 64 kg with a kid, like music and reading. Iceland is a legend country, and i want make friend with a gentlemen.
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
I am a gay 23 year old male living in Southern California USA and would like to correspond with a gay male of about the same age to form good friendship. I would appreciate any contacts.
Greg Roger
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
My name is Joe and I am a 22 year old graduate student in history at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I might be coming to Iceland sometime towards the end of March and would like to meet some people before I come over. Im gay, and will be traveling with my friend Mike who is not gay and studying to be an attourney. If any of you in Iceland would like to start chatting with me or my straight friend Mike, please email me! Im into nature, music, history and I like a good drink as well. Tell me a little more about the gay scene in Iceland and give me some tips as to whats cool to see in and around Reykjavik. Cheers!
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
Hi, I am a guy from Norge, who are looking for a friend in Iceland. I am maybe an young-old guy ( 50) but still looking young. I just want to have a gay friend in Iceland, but don´t know where to find him. Kanskje du skriver på norsk også?
www.facelink.com/m24751 is a photo of me
love from Roy
Birtist fyrst 7. desember 2001
My name is Scott. I´m 33. I´m a corporate attorney in New York City. I love professional American sports and enjoy everything New York City has to offer. I have recently begun to travel a lot more. I like to meet other gay people when I travel to see what life is like elsewhere. I am planning a trip to Iceland this spring and would like to learn about it from those who live there before I go. I hope even make a friend I can meet when I get there.
Thanks, Scott
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Ég heiti Jörg og ég er frá Berlín í Þýskalandi. Ég er 23 ára gamall. Ég tala bara pínulítið íslensku en ég er að læra. I will continue in English. I am interested in getting into contact with nice gay people in Iceland and possibly you can tell me how? Are there any chat-rooms? I intend to come to Iceland in summer 2002 and I want to stay in Iceland for a longer time from the beginning of 2003 on. So, I would be really happy if I could get into contact with nice people.
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Valik Illarionov 27 ára Úkraínumaður, er að leita að ástinni sinni einu og sönnu. Hann er háskólagenginn landafræðikennari og hefur áhuga á íþróttum, ferðalögum, lestri góðra bóka, tónlist o.fl. Hann lýsir sér sem heiðarlegum, opnum og ábyrgum. Hann er neyddur til að fela tilfinningar sínar og er einmana. Valik vill kynnast traustum og heiðarlegum manni með varanlegt samband í huga. Skrifar á ensku. (mynd á skrifstofu)
Valik Illarionov
P.O.Box 122
Kiev 03058
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Andrej Akhage er 34 ára Svíi sem endilega vill eignast vini á Íslandi.
Andrej Akhage
Brittsommargatan 4
41514 Göteborg
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
My name is Frank and I am 23 years old. I would like to have funny mail contact with crazy people (as I am, smile) from Iceland, because I felt in love with this country since my childhood. At the moment I am living in Berlin but I come from Switzerland. I am a very uncomplicated, openminded person. In my freetime I like singing, dancing, having fun with my friends, reading, travelling, swimming, snowboarding and so on. I am a great fan of cinema & theatre. But the most importand thing for me in life is the music … and my e-mail adress is:
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Hi, my name is Julian, I am gay, 29 and live in Manchester England. I was in Reykjavik in September this year, I loved it. If anyone would like to write to me or for me to show them around gay Manchester when they come i would be happy to do so. Write to me for any reason and any age. Love, Julian.
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Hi, I am a young Canadian (23 yrs) fascinated with Icelandic culture. I am planning a trip to Iceland and I would like to make a few contacts before I arrive. Should anyone be interested in contacting me, they can email their message to:
Denis Aubrey
25 rue de l´Hotel-de-Ville
Hull, QC
J8X 2C9
Birtist fyrst 5. október 2001
Hi! Our names are Megan and Kate. We come from London and we will be visiting Iceland for a tourist trip from Tue, Oct 16, 2001, to Tue, Oct 23, 2001. We will be in Reykjavik on Wednesday night (Oct 17) and Thursday night (Oct 18). We would love to meet up with a local lesbian couple for a drink or a meal to get chatting and to find out lots about your country and culture. We would be delighted if somebody would contact us via our e-mail address. We hope that that is possible!
Thank you! Regards, Megan and Kate
Birtist fyrst 22. ágúst 2001
I am a bisexual 36 year old American who is half German and Italian. I was in Iceland for a few days back in May. I enjoyed Iceland so much that I will be going back to Iceland for a 3 day visit during the 26, 27 and 28 of September. I would like to get in touch with any potential bisexual or gay Icelandic males under 35 who would be interested in becoming penpals with me before I visit Iceland. Perhaps we could even meet when I arrive there. I am a former college athlete, good looking, 6 feet, 2 inches, 230 pounds, with brown hair and eyes, and I am friendly and outgoing. Mark
Birtist fyrst 7. júní 2001
Brazilian man, 36 years old, born in 4th of September of 1964. I am 1, 70 cm, white skin, brown hair and eyes, descending from Polishes, Hungarians, Germans and Italians. I am interested in god, nature, animals, children.
Caixa Postal 3788
Brasilia ? DF
70.084-970 Brazil
Birtist fyrst 7. júní 2001
Hi! My name is Ravi 25 years old guy from Malaysia. I am a active top guy, non smoker and non drinker. I like football, swimming and travelling. I am a sailor. Hope to hear from anyone. Yours Ravi.
103, Sri Taman Cicely
3600, Teluk Intan
Birtist fyrst 28. maí 2001
Hello master! A young black submissive guy will like to get in touch with a serious gay partner for a lasting relationship. My partner must be romantic and discreet. I´am looking forward to hear from you. Please write to:
Issac Quansah,
P. O. Box WJ 244,
Weija – Accra.
Birtist fyrst 28. maí 2001
I´am a Spanish teacher, 38 years old. I would like to visit your country Iceland next summer from July 18th to 30th. I´am looking for a friendly, serious and honest friend with big heart to be together during during this time. So do not to hesitatge to ask me anything you want to know. With love and best regard. Xavier Vives. E- mail address: fvives
Birtist fyrst 6. maí 2001
Ég er rúmlega sextugur karlmaður og bý í miðborg Reykjavíkur, heiðarlegur og glaðlyndur, með gott úthald, og sáttur við lífið og tilveruna. Ég hef tilfinningar mínar til karla á hreinu, þótt ég sé ekkert að auglýsa þær, og leita eftir kynnum við sannan karlmann, 25 ára og eldri. Ég lofa heiðarleika og 100% trúnaði og vænti þess sama. Ég bý einn og hef síst á móti því að kynnast kvæntum karlmönnum. Ég á ekki tölvu og hef ekki lært á netið svo þið verðið að senda mér línu. Utanáskriftin er:
Samtökin 78
Pósthólf 1262
121 Reykjavík
Og merkið umslagið ?Hress og kátur?
Birtist fyrst 1. maí 2001
I am a 28-year old gay Spaniard living in Brussels who have always dreamt of the Great North. I am determined to make that dream come true this summer, so I have planned to make a trip to your country between 27 June and 1 July 2001. Although a lot of very useful information can be found on the net, I´d rather have the opportunity to get in touch with someone who could guide me through my first Icelandic experience. For instance: which is the best part of the summer to make the visit, which are the beautiful spots outside Reykjavik and how to get there, etc. But, of course, it´s not all about practical guidance, but also about making a good friend I could visit when I get there. I am planning to do this trip on my own, but I´d love to meet someone with who I could share the joy I´m sure I´ll experience when admiring your country.
So, if someone finds the time, I´d be very pleased to receive your e-mails.
David M. Ortega
Birtist fyrst 28. apríl 2001
I´m a 19-year-old German, who is in search of an Icelandic pen-pal, to learn about him, Iceland and other things. I´m interested to visit Iceland in one of the next years, and if it´s as nice as I expect it, maybe even live there. If someone sends me an email, i would be very glad.
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
Ich bin Joachim, 40 Jahre alt, 180 cm groß, 75 kg, dunkelhaarig, kontaktfreudig, anpassungsfähig, vielseitig interessiert und als Angestellter tätig. So würde ich mich riesig freuen von einem behaarten Mann aus Island Post zu bekommen.
Jochaim Pamin
F. F. Runge Str. 4
16303 Schwedt / Oder
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
Hi, Icelandic boys! I´m Michael, I´m 17 y/o and I live in Germany, on the Isle of Rügen. I´m totally crazy about Iceland – that is why I want to have a gay penfriend in your country. I hope that it is posible. Perhaps you have a youth group in your organization so that you could ask there for a possible pen pal. I am 1.86 cm tall, 65 kilos, short dark hair, hazel eyes and black rimmed glasses, goatee, hairy body. I´m interested in music (R.E.M., Placebo, Radiohead, Coldplay, Travis, Beatles, Wallflowers . . .), literature (English and American), politics, journalism, philosophy, psychology, foreign cultures, languages. Hobbies: Listening to music, reading, writing, (poetry and all sorts of text), photography, shopping, travel, trekking, swimming. My penfriend should be between 15-25, and we should have one or more interests and hobbies in common. I hope to hear from you soon.
Michael Müller
Störtebekerstr. 5 D
D-18528 Bergen auf Rügen
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
Godan dag! Hey there, guys, I´m Jon Salisbury, a 19 year old male art student from England. I would love an Icelandic pen pal as I am fascinated with your amazing island and its crazy inhabitants. Love from
jondeansalisbury@hotmail.com – or
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
Kevin Helems, 32y/o; white male; Cleveland, Ohio, USA; everyday type guy; reddish blond hair; goatee; 5´11″/165 lbs. Talkative gent that seeks same, maybe to meet over a cup of coffee or beer. Very interested in making friends. My interest and background includes history, anthropology, social and urban issues. I am a graduate student University of Akron – Masters in Public Administration; Masters in Urban Studies. Respond either by e-mail or post. Takk fyrir
Kevin Helems
787 Upson Street
Akron, OH 44305-1563
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
I wanted to get in touch to see if you could set me up with a penpal to help me get to know Reykjavik. My partner and I, along with 3 straight friends (women) are considering a trip to Reykjavik for New Year´s Eve next year (Dec. 31, 2001/January 1, 2002) and I would love to learn more about your city. Thanks for your help.
Bob Jasak
Birtist fyrst 24. mars 2001
My name is Fabrice and I am a 29 years old boy from South East France. I work as a civil servant in an Archives Office. My interests in life are travels, music history and family-tree. I can write French, English and a bit German. I used to learn some Danish at University but I forgot all my words. Hope to hear from you – Fabrice.